Summary of Success

The women’s Altar Society was officially re-established in January 2022 with full support from Father Sebastian.  Piper Desy volunteered to spearhead the group, Pam Marenger elected vice-president, Wanda Chenier – secretary and Beverly Plimpton as treasurer in the month of January.  The following describes the successful progress this pleasantly large group accomplished in their first 5 months of meetings. 

STATUS:  The group has agreed to continue these meetings on the First Tuesday of the Month, starting at 6:30 in the church basement.  Hope to see you there for our first fall meeting come September 2022.


  • Christmas Party – an attendance of 43, a delicious meal made by Pam Leisner having a unanimous doner pay for everyone’s meal.  Bingo was played and gift exchange occurred.  The women were extremely happy to be gathered again.
  • Father Jamie was our guest speaker with a vivacious topic regarding Lent.  He’s welcome to come again!
  • The dice/card game of SNOOPS was played at MULTIPLE meetings.  Oh, the smiles on the faces 😊
  • Church cleaning Bee was held on April 26 with fifteen coming to help prepare the church for the beginning of the Lenten season.  “Many hands make light work” & indeed that was true.  Most all gathered in the basement for a light lunch for reward of the day’s work.
  • Bake Sale – see below
  • Father’s Day Breakfast – not complete at the writing of this document
  • Cards are mailed out to any/all church member (& family members) that are sick, passed or need special support, please contact Emily Moreau to have a card sent on behalf of the Altar Society.


  • Average attendance for the five meetings and Christmas Party is 21
  • Scheduled topics to occur for each month
  • Agenda to be posted on the website
  • Meeting last approximately one hour


  • Bake Sale: Held on April 23 & 24, 2022 after each mass.  Earning $646.25–SUCCESS!  A true Blessing on the numerous donations.  Thank you ALL who donated and also those who purchased.  We do plan to have more 😊


  • Area Chairs were reviewed and accepted responsibilities.
  • Approved to continue with $5/calendar year for dues
  • Monthly door prize(s) was drawn (homemade stained glass using glass from St. Anthony’s)
  • Communication:  monthly reminder in the church bulletin, email if you want to be reminded via email.  Soon the updated church website will contain Altar Society information.

An Open Invitation to ANY and ALL women parish members that wish to be a member of this precious group.  Attendance is voluntary with rewards unlimited.  It has been heartwarming to see some of the younger women coming.  Thank you for putting Christ so close to your heart too.